

Where to find fresh seafood and world-class views on California’s coast

旅行的 加州海岸 你很快就会发现,海滨餐厅和该州的海洋风景一样丰富多彩. From simple seaside shacks to lavish event restaurants, 你可以在各种场合找到当天捕获的海鲜,从休闲人字拖到盛装打扮. 但无论你走到哪里,这些餐厅都有一个共同的特点:世界级的水景. Here’s a standout selection, listed south to north, to get you started.


1. 科斯特拉,圣地亚哥

有一艘船? That’s the only way you’ll get a better view of 圣地亚哥’s waterfront skyline and twinkling bridges than the one you get from Coasterra现代墨西哥人 在城市的 港岛. 菜单上有墨西哥经典的创意转折:酸橘汁腌鱼配海湾虾和蓝蟹, or fresh-shucked oysters with fire-roasted cocktail sauce. 但你很容易从食物上分心:这里的每一张桌子都井然有序, 多层炫目酒店的美景会让你在用餐期间不停地在instagram上拍照, especially if you’re there at sunset. (更多: Coastaterra)

2. George's At The Cove, La Jolla

这个广受好评 圣地亚哥餐厅 is actually three dining destinations in one. The centerpiece is the fine-dining spot 加州现代, 因为它的宽敞, 当代室内, combined with Chef Trey Foshee’s award-winning, 本地采购的食物. 在楼上,放松与手工制作的鸡尾酒和绿松石蓝色拉霍亚湾的远景 二级 酒吧. Or take in panoramic ocean views while digging into spicy, marinated 烤 fish tacos at George’s rooftop 海洋平台这家餐厅曾被评为世界上“最热门的屋顶餐厅”之一 旅游+休闲.

3. 工作室,拉古纳海滩

海景,建筑,和加州启发的法国美食都聚集在一起 工作室, perched atop an oceanfront bluff at Orange County’s 蒙太奇拉古纳海滩 度假胜地. 走进这个现代工匠风格的海滩小屋,优雅的木质细节, 拱形的天花板, 以及通往太平洋的窗户——你可能会开始谋划如何永久地搬进去. Fresh seafood is the centerpiece, 但菜单上也有来自当地农场的有机农产品,以及餐厅自己的花园和果树. 纠结于是要辣扁豆烤剑鱼还是要传家宝胡萝卜大马哈鱼? Don’t worry: You can indulge in the tasting menu and sample it all.

4. 圣莫尼卡的龙虾餐厅

仅几步之遥 圣莫尼卡码头龙虾 1925年开业的当地经典餐厅是专营——你猜对了——整片的吗, 烤, 蒸龙虾. 在一段传奇的历史之后, 龙虾 sat empty for a decade before reopening in 1999, newly renovated and under new ownership. 今天, gaze out of the contemporary dining room’s floor-to-ceiling windows, 或从广阔的露台,同时享受厨师科林·克兰内尔的烤尤卡坦或加州多刺龙虾. Other seafood choices include pan-roasted rockfish, espresso 酒吧becue Columbia River king salmon, 还有一个大的生食吧. 之后, 沿着码头走下去,在太阳能驱动的摩天轮上轻轻旋转——在夜晚尤其美丽. (更多: T他的龙虾)


5. 捕捉美国海鲜, 圣塔莫尼卡

买一送一 ,位于历史悠久的 Casa del Mar酒店: It’s a chance to scope out the dynamic 圣塔莫尼卡 一边欣赏窗外的海滩景色,一边品尝当地捕获的海鲜和圣莫尼卡著名农贸市场的农产品. Dining options include shellfish from both coasts, 以及当地的鱼类主菜,比如芥末腌制的加州黑鳕鱼配青豆和黄豆. (更多: 捕捉美国海鲜)

6. 杰弗里的马里布

From the Pacific Coast 高速公路, 杰弗里的 看起来很朴素. But step into the sleekly sophisticated dining room, and then out to the terrace, 你会大吃一惊的. Designed by famed architect Richard Neutra, 杰弗里的 offers a seamless blend of ocean views (all the way to 圣卡塔利娜岛), lush landscaping, and head-swiveling celebrity sightings. 当你在晚餐时享受海鲜海鲜饭时,可以欣赏马里布的日落, 然后在星光闪烁的太平洋上犒劳自己,品尝枫蓝莓芝士蛋糕或浓咖啡布丁. Another great waterfront option? 杜克大学的马里布, which honors pioneering surfer Duke Kahanamoku. (更多: 杰弗里的马里布)

7. 古巴杯,文图拉杯

Authentic Cuban cuisine meets harbor views at 文图拉’s 国王古, where you can watch boats glide in and out of the 文图拉港 marina as you dine on arroz con pollo or ropa vieja alfresco. Music is an essential part of the experience here, 乐队演奏着蓝调, 悠闲的岩石, or Latin music taking to the stage during weekend brunch hours. If you’re in more of a comfort-food mood, 旁边的805酒吧(805 酒吧)——与copa共用一个厨房和一个老板——主打美味的烤奶酪三明治, 还有汤, 沙拉, 还有奶酪通心粉.

8. 圣芭芭拉分校 Shellfish Company

Stroll the entire length of 圣芭芭拉分校的历史 斯登码头 你会得到一个不错的奖励:在朴实的环境中品尝一流的海鲜. The site of the former buying station for shellfish, 圣芭芭拉分校 Shellfish Company 是当地人长期以来的最爱,屋顶上挂满了风化的龙虾浮标吗. 在甲板上找张桌子,或者找个靠柜台的座位,观看厨师们的表演, 当煎锅着火时,炸扇贝的香味弥漫了整个餐厅. 浏览烤架上方的黑板,寻找当季最受欢迎的食物,比如新鲜的本地邓杰尼斯蟹或多刺龙虾. (更多: 圣芭芭拉分校 Shellfish Company)


9. Windows On The Water, 小丘湾

Overlooking landmark Morro Rock and the busy harbor at 小丘湾水上之窗 以其一流的景观和展示中央海岸食材的创意菜肴而脱颖而出. Start off with an appetizer featuring abalone raised in nearby Cayucos,n take your pick from 小丘湾 halibut in an heirloom tomato salsa, 或者是香醋玻璃, grass-fed filet mignon (which could be from nearby 赫斯特庄园). 看看厨师们在开放式厨房里工作——如果你能从餐厅落地窗的全景上移开视线的话. (更多: 水上之窗)

10. 塞拉玛,大苏尔

从这座壮观的建筑向西望去——悬挑在大苏尔海岸线上——塞拉3月 at 驿站牧场客栈 gives you the feeling of floating above the ocean. 再生木材,石板地板,落地窗借给低调,自然的优雅. 神奇的? 是的, 菜单也是如此, 许多菜肴的灵感都来自大苏尔地区,比如莫罗湾牡蛎, 蒙特利红鲍鱼, and 奶酪s from Monterey County’s 肖克家族农庄. (更多: Sierra 3月)

11. 尼彭特,大苏尔

This cliff-topping restaurant on 高速公路 一个 in 大瑟尔 belongs on anyone’s bucket list, offering views of the coast that can only be beaten if you’re a seagull. 的成熟, 这家家庭式餐厅于1949年由Lolly和Bill Fassett开设,今天你仍然可以享受到Lolly的招牌菜, roast chicken with sage stuffing, 还有著名的安布罗西亚汉堡或各种素食主菜. Take in the view from the unfussy patio, 或者走进由弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的主楼. (更多: Nepenthe)

12. 山姆杂烩店, 半月湾

谢谢大家 山姆杂烩店, about an hour south of San Francisco, 你不必长途跋涉到缅因州去吃美味的龙虾和杂烩汤. 场景一: 今日秀 named the lobster roll at this waterfront spot in 半月湾 one of the five best sandwiches in America. 在甲板上坐下, or snuggle up by the fireplace, to dine on California king salmon prepared in a pomegranate reduction, or local rock cod served with Brussels sprouts from nearby Giusti Farms. 贝类爱好者可能已经遇到了终极菜肴:龙虾烧烤,其中包括一整只缅因龙虾, 贻贝, 和蛤. (更多: Sam's Chowder House)

13. 尼克湾,马修

Set above the shallows of Tomales Bay, Nick’s Cove Restaurant and Oyster Bar feels like a secret retreat, about two hours north of San Francisco. Order a craft beer and some fresh local oysters, 然后坐在甲板上观看矶鹞和白鹭在水里嬉戏. 或者,在主餐厅放松一下,感觉就像一个时髦的狩猎小屋. Locally sourced entrees include Tomales Bay clam chowder, butter-roasted California halibut, and decadent Dungeness crab mac & 奶酪. Make a weekend of it with hikes in Point Reyes National Seashore and a stay in one of Nick’s Cove’s rustic-chic cottages. (更多: N柳枝稷的海湾)

California Waterfront Dining

14. 马铃薯点 Crab Company, Bodega Bay

周围是上下浮动的渔船、嘎嘎叫的海鸥和叮当作响的索具, 马铃薯点 忍不住想吃新鲜的海鲜,包括屡获殊荣的杂烩汤. A scenic two-hour drive north of San Francisco, 经一号公路, this authentic spot serves the freshest of crab and king salmon, straight from the boats of owner Tony Anello and his son Mark. 这里也有出色的蟹饼和三明治,特色是当天的捕获物. 这里没什么特别的,但也不必如此:从你的野餐桌上看到的景色就是你所需要的.

15. 小河客栈, 奇诺县

Overlooking a rocky cove in 奇诺县, 小河客栈 has been offering romantic getaways since 1939. 不过,在这里吃午餐或晚餐也是值得一游的:酒店的主楼建于1853年,里面有优雅而轻松的餐厅, 以新鲜的海鲜而闻名,比如比目鱼,bbin游戏官网使用的是渔船捕获的海底鱼 Noyo港就在海岸那边. For a more casual dining option, tuck into 奥莱观鲸酒吧它是当地人的最爱,因为它有美味的手工鸡尾酒和令人难以置信的景色. (更多: L小河客栈)




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